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Henk Meuffels, Paul L.Th. Beuk and Volkert S. van der Goot Version date: 28-02-2024 10:27

Sciapus platypterus (Fabricius, 1805)
Diagnosis. Dolichopodidae s.str.:
Usually small to medium-sized (1.0-8.0 mm) brachycerous flies with slender legs, mostly shining metallic green, often variously dusted or partly yellow, sometimes not metallic greyish, brownish or black. Head with three-segmented antennae, usually short but third segment elongated in some genera; arista dorsal to apical; strong ocellar setae nearly always present; mouthparts usually short and with a wide aperture adapted for sucking small preys. Thorax variously setose, always with two rows of dorsocentral setae. Legs sometimes strongly setose, in some genera raptorial. Wing venation typically with discal cell developed, apical part of M1+2 either straight or with a so-called 'wing boss' and then more or less clearly bent, seldom (in Sciapus) apically forked. Sexual dimorphism usually strong: male hypopygium often large, in the course of evolution 180-270° twisted, and bent back under the abdomen.
Small (2.0-3.0 mm) greyish to black flies. Head large; antennae with elongate third antennal segment; eyes relatively large, holoptic in males, dichoptic in female; mouth parts somewhat elongate and directed forwards. Thorax arched; acrostichal and dorsocentral setae well developed. Wings clear or somewhat infuscate, without distinct markings; R with three branches; discal cell present; basal cells short. Legs short, hind legs in some species flattened and with conspicuously broadened tibiae and metatarsus. Abdomen short; male genitalia asymmetrical and rotated.

Biology. Dolichopodidae s.str.:
Adults can be found in various habitats and prefer moist environments; some species are halophilous. They are carnivorous, feeding on small, soft-bodied arthropods. Development poorly known. Larvae are found in moist substrates (in sand, mud, rotting vegetation, under tree bark, sometimes on sea shore), and are predacious; the larvae of Thrypticus are miners in the stems of Monocotyledons.
Little is known about the pre-adult stages. Adults can be found in a wide range of habitats but seem to prefer habitats near water of forests. Females have been found to feed on preys in spiders' webs. Swarms with males can be found swarming under overhanging branches.

General references. d'Assis Fonseca (1978 [Dolichopodidae s.str. keys]), Chandler & Negrobov (2008 [Zanthochlorus], Chvála (1983 [Microphorinae general, keys], 1986, 1987, 1988b [Microphorinae subfamily revision], 1989b [catalogue]), Meuffels & Grootaert (1990 [Sciapus], Negrobov & Naglis (2016 [Medetera], Parent (1938 [Dolichopodidae s.str. keys]), Pollet (1990 [Hercostomus], 1993 [Hercostomus], 1996 [Achalcus], 2000 [biology, ecology]), Pollet & Stark (2018 [Orthoceratium]), Robinson & Vockeroth (1981 [general]), Shamshev (1996 [Microphor]), Steyskal & Knutson (1981 [Microphorinae general]), Thuneberg (1955 [Medetera]).

References to the local fauna. Van Aartsen et al. (1991), Chvála (1989b), Doorman (1962), Van der Goot (1978), Kabos (1951a, 1954a), De Meijere (1950a), Meuffels (1974, 1978, 1981b), Meuffels & Grootaert (1990), Meuffels et al. (1996), Parmenter (1940), Pollet (1990, 1993, 1996), Pollet & Stark (2018), Pollet et al. (1992), Schonewille et al. (2001), Van der Wulp & De Meijere (1898).

How to quote this page: Meuffels, H.J.G., P.L.Th. Beuk, & V.S. van der Goot, 2024. Family Dolichopodidae. In: Beuk, P.L.Th. (Ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands, https://diptera-info.nl/news.php?fam=Dolichopodidae (date accessed: 27/07/2024).

NL: 245, 2I, 5? B: 289, 6? D: 246, 2I, 2? UK: 299 World: 6240
  Achalcus Loew, 1857
  cinereus (Haliday in Walker, 1851)
  flavicollis (Meigen, 1824)
  melanotrichus Mik, 1878 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  vaillanti Bunhes, 1987 N; added by Pollet (1996: 381
  Asyndetus Loew, 1869
  latifrons (Loew, 1857) N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 69
  Chrysotus Meigen, 1824
  blepharosceles Kowarz, 1874 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 69
  = melampodius Loew, 1857: misident. sensu auct. Note 1
  cilipes Meigen, 1824
  cupreus Macquart, 1827
  femoratus Zetterstedt, 1843
  gramineus (Fallén, 1823) Note 2
  = copiosus Meigen, 1824
  = angulicornis Kowarz, 1874
  = microcerus Kowarz, 1874
  = varians Kowarz, 1874
  = collini Parent, 1923: misident. sensu auct. added by Van Aartsen et al. (1991: ix Note 1
  laesus (Wiedemann, 1817)
  = enderleini Parent, 1938
  neglectus (Wiedemann, 1817)
  obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1838
  = kowarzi Lundbeck, 1912
  pallidipalpus Van Duzee, 1933 I; added by Parmenter (1940: 233
  palustris Verrall, 1876 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels 
  pulchellus Kowarz, 1874
  suavis Loew, 1857
  viridifemoratus von Roser, 1840 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 69
  = monochateus Kowarz, 1874
  Diaphorus Meigen, 1824
  hoffmannseggi Meigen, 1830
  = tripilus Loew, 1857
  nigricans Meigen, 1824
  oculatus (Fallén, 1823)
  winthemi Meigen, 1824
  Melanostolus Kowarz, 1884
  melancholicus (Loew, 1869)
  Dolichopus Latreille, 1796
  = Hygroceleuthus Loew, 1857
  = Macrodolichopus Stackelberg, 1933
  acuticornis Wiedemann, 1817
  agilis Meigen, 1824
  arbustorum Stannius, 1831
  = steini Becker, 1917: misident. sensu auct. N; added by Meuffels (1974: 32 Note 1
  argyrotarsis Wahlberg, 1850 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 32
  atratus Meigen, 1824
  atripes Meigen, 1824
  brevipennis Meigen, 1824
  = plumitarsis Fallén, 1823: misident. sensu auct. Note 3
  caligatus Wahlberg, 1850 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 66
  calinotus Loew, 1871 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 66
  campestris Meigen, 1824
  claviger Stannius, 1831
  clavipes Haliday, 1832
  diadema Haliday, 1832
  discifer Stannius, 1831
  = nigricornis Meigen, 1824: misident. sensu Parent, 1925
  excisus Loew, 1859
  festivus Haliday, 1832
  griseipennis Stannius, 1831
  latilimbatus Macquart, 1827 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  = latelimbatus Macquart, 1827: incorrect spelling
  latipennis Fallén, 1823 Note 4
  lepidus Staeger, 1842
  linearis Meigen, 1824
  lineatocornis Zetterstedt, 1843 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. R.I.N. (IBN-DLO) 
  longicornis Stannius, 1831
  = acuticornis Wiedemann, 1817: misident. sensu Fallén, 1823 et auct.
  longitarsis Stannius, 1831
  migrans Zetterstedt, 1843
  = confinis Zetterstedt, 1843
  nitidus Fallén, 1823
  notatus Staeger, 1842
  = notabilis Zetterstedt, 1843
  nubilus Meigen, 1824
  pennatus Meigen, 1824
  = signatus Meigen, 1824: misident. sensu Staeger, 1842
  phaeopus Haliday, 1851 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 66
  picipes Meigen, 1824
  = fastuosus Haliday, 1832
  planitarsis Fallén, 1823
  plumipes (Scopoli, 1963)
  = pennitarsis Fallén, 1823
  popularis Wiedemann, 1817
  = aemulus Loew, 1859
  rupestris Wiedemann, 1817 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  sabinus Haliday, 1838
  signatus Meigen, 1824
  = argentifer Loew, 1859
  simplex Meigen, 1824
  strigipes Verrall, 1875 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  subpennatus d'Assis Fonseca, 1976 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 67
  tanythrix Loew, 1869
  trivialis Haliday, 1832
  = cilifemoratus Macquart, 1827: misident. sensu Parent, 1926 et auct.
  ungulatus (Linnaeus, 1958)
  = aeneoventris (De Geer, 1976)
  urbanus Meigen, 1824
  vitripennis Meigen, 1824
  wahlbergi Zetterstedt, 1843
  Ethiromyia Brooks & Wheeler, 2005
  chalybea (Wiedemann, 1817) Note 5
  = chalybaeus (Wiedemann, 1817): incorrect spelling
  Gymnopternus Loew, 1857 Note 6
  aerosus (Fallén, 1823)
  angustifrons (Staeger, 1842) N; added by De Meijere (1950a: 6
  assimilis (Staeger, 1842)
  blankaartensis Pollet, 1990 N; added by Pollet (1990: 376
  brevicornis (Staeger, 1842)
  = obscuripennis (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  celer (Meigen, 1824)
  cupreus (Fallén, 1823)
  metallicus (Stannius, 1831)
  silvestris Pollet, 1990 N; added by Pollet et al. (1992104) 
  Hercostomus Loew, 1857
  chetifer (Walker, 1849) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  = cretifer (Walker, 1856)
  chrysozygos (Wiedemann, 1817)
  exarticulatus (Loew, 1857) N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels 
  fulvicaudis (Haliday, 1851) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  germanus (Wiedemann, 1817)
  gracilis (Stannius, 1831)
  = nigricornis (Meigen, 1824): misident. sensu auct.
  = bicolor (Macquart, 1827): misident. sensu Schiner, 1862 et auct.
  longiventris (Loew, 1857) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  nanus (Macquart, 1827)
  nigrilamellatus (Macquart, 1827)
  nigripennis (Fallén, 1823)
  nigriplantis (Stannius, 1831)
  pilifer (Loew, 1859) N; added by Pollet & Meuffels (2017: 64
  plagiatus (Loew, 1857)
  praeceps Loew, 1869 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  rusticus (Meigen, 1824) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 67
  verbekei Pollet, 1993 N; added by Pollet (1993: 104
  vockerothi d'Assis Fonseca, 1976 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  = sahlbergi (Zetterstedt, 1838): misident. sensu auct.
  Muscidideicus Becker, 1917
  = Muscideicus Parent, 1938: emend.
  praetextatus (Haliday, 1855) N; added by Kabos (1954a: 138
  Nodicornis Rondani, 1843
  nodicornis (Meigen, 1824) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 33
  Poecilobothrus Mik, 1878
  ducalis (Loew, 1857)
  = infuscatus (Stannius, 1831): misident. sensu Parent, 1938
  = comitialis (Kowarz, 1867): misident. sensu Verrall, 1912
  nobilitatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
  principalis (Loew, 1861)
  = fumipennis (Stannius, 1831): misident. sensu Becker, 1917
  Sybistroma Meigen, 1824
  = Hypophyllus Haliday, 1832
  crinipes (Staeger, 1842)
  discipes (Germar, 1821)
  obscurellus (Fallén, 1823)
  Tachytrechus Haliday, 1851
  ammobates (Haliday, 1851)
  insignis (Stannius, 1831)
  notatus (Stannius, 1831) N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 68
  Aphrosylus Haliday, 1851
  celtiber Haliday, 1855 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels 
  ferox Haliday, 1851
  Hydrophorus Fallén, 1823
  albiceps Frey, 1915 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 67
  = signifer Coquillett, 1899: incorrect synonymy
  balticus (Meigen, 1824)
  bipunctatus (Lehmann, 1822)
  litoreus Fallén, 1823
  nebulosus Fallén, 1823
  oceanus (Macquart, 1838)
  = inaequalipes Macquart, 1834: misident. sensu Haliday, 1851
  = bisetus Loew, 1857
  praecox (Lehmann, 1822)
  viridis (Meigen, 1824) N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels 
  Liancalus Loew, 1857
  virens (Scopoli, 1963)
  Machaerium Haliday, 1832
  maritimae Haliday, 1832
  Orthoceratium Schrank, 1803
  sabulosum (Becker, 1907) N; added as lacustre by Meuffels (1981b: 68 Note 7
  = lacustre (Scopoli, 1963): misident. sensu auct.
  Scellus Loew, 1857
  notatus (Fabricius, 1781) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34 Note 8
  Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844
  subg. Schoenophilus Mik, 1878
  versutus Haliday, 1851
  subg. Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844
  flavipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  ruficornis (Haliday, 1831)
  Dolichophorus Lichtwardt, 1902
  kerteszi Lichtwardt, 1902 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. P.L.Th. Beuk, H.J.G. Meuffels 
  Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819
  = Medeterus Meigen, 1824
  = Oligochaetus Mik, 1878
  = Oligochaetes Mik, 1878: emend.
  abstrusa Thuneberg, 1955 N; first listed by Meuffels (2002: 176
  ambigua (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  dendrobaena Kowarz, 1877
  diadema (Linnaeus, 1967)
  = rostrata (Fabricius, 1781) Note 8
  impigra Collin, 1941 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. P.L.Th. Beuk, H.J.G. Meuffels 
  infumata Loew, 1857 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels, NNT 
  inspissata Collin, 1941 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. P.L.Th. Beuk 
  jacula (Fallén, 1817)
  jugalis Collin, 1941 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. NNT 
  micacea Loew, 1857
  obscura (Zetterstedt, 1838)
  pallipes (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  petrophiloides Parent, 1925 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 67
  plumbella Meigen, 1824
  pseudoapicalis Thuneberg, 1955 N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. NNT 
  saxatilis Collin, 1941 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 67
  tristis (Zetterstedt, 1840) N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. P.L.Th. Beuk 
  truncorum Meigen, 1824
  Systenus Loew, 1857
  bipartitus (Loew, 1850) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 68
  = tener Loew, 1859
  leucurus Loew, 1859
  pallipes (von Roser, 1840)
  = adpropinquans (Loew, 1857)
  scholtzi (Loew, 1850) N; as yet unrecorded, material not preserved (leg. A. Deelman) 
  Thrypticus Gerstäcker, 1864
  atomus Frey, 1915 N; added as 'cf. atomus' by Meuffels et al. (1996: 47
  bellus Loew, 1869
  smaragdinus Gerstäcker, 1864
  tarsalis Parent, 1932 N; added as 'cf. tarsalis' by Meuffels et al. (1996: 47
  viridis Parent, 1932 N; will formally be added by Meuffels (in prep.) 
  Microphor Macquart, 1827
  = Microphorus Macquart, 1834: emend.
  anomalus (Meigen, 1824)
  = crassipes Macquart, 1827: misident.
  crassipes Macquart, 1827 N; added by Chvála (1989b: 172
  holosericeus (Meigen, 1804)
  = velutinus Macquart, 1827
  Neurigona Rondani, 1856
  = Saucropus Loew, 1857
  = Neurogona Oldenberg, 1904: emend.
  abdominalis (Fallén, 1823) N; added by Pollet & Meuffels (2017: 65
  erichsoni (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  pallida (Fallén, 1823) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  quadrifasciata (Fabricius, 1781) Note 8
  suturalis (Fallén, 1823)
  Argyra Macquart, 1834
  = Leucostola Loew, 1857
  argentella (Zetterstedt, 1843) Note 10
  = discedens Becker, 1907: misident. sensu auct.
  argentina (Meigen, 1824)
  argyria (Meigen, 1824)
  = argentata Macquart, 1834
  = divergens Parent, 1926
  atriceps Loew, 1857
  diaphana (Fabricius, 1975)
  elongata (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  grata Loew, 1857
  ilonae Gosseries, 1989 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  = confinis (Zetterstedt, 1849): preocc.
  leucocephala (Meigen, 1824)
  perplexa Becker, 1918 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 69
  vestita (Wiedemann, 1817)
  Nematoproctus Loew, 1857
  distendens (Meigen, 1824)
  Rhaphium Meigen, 1803
  = Raphium Meigen, 1803: incorrect spelling
  = Porphyrops Meigen, 1824: misident. sensu auct.
  = Xiphandrium Loew, 1857
  = Anglearia Carlier, 1935
  albifrons Zetterstedt, 1843 N; added as bilamellatum by Meuffels (1978: 68
  = fissum Loew, 1850: misident. Note 1
  = bilamellatum (Becker, 1918): misident.
  antennatum (Carlier, 1835) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 67
  appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849
  = macrocerum Meigen, 1824: misident. sensu Parent, 1925
  auctum Loew, 1857 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 68
  brevicorne Curtis, 1835 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 68
  = pectinatum (Loew, 1859): misident. sensu Becker, 1908
  caliginosum Meigen, 1824
  = cupreum Macquart, 1827: misident. sensu Haliday, 1851
  = zetterstedti (Parent, 1925)
  commune (Meigen, 1824)
  = spinicoxa Loew, 1850
  crassipes (Meigen, 1824) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  discolor Zetterstedt, 1838
  = riparium (Meigen, 1824): misident. sensu Parent, 1925
  = consobrina Zetterstedt, 1843
  elegantulum (Meigen, 1824)
  ensicorne Meigen, 1824
  fasciatum Meigen, 1824
  fascipes (Meigen, 1824)
  laticorne (Fallén, 1823)
  = nemorum Meigen, 1830
  longicorne (Fallén, 1823)
  micans (Meigen, 1824)
  monotrichum Loew, 1850
  nasutum (Fallén, 1823)
  penicillatum Loew, 1850
  riparium (Meigen, 1824)
  = praerosum Loew, 1850
  Amblypsilopus Bigot, 1888
  = Chrysosoma Guérin-Méneville, 1831
  exul (Parent, 1932) I; added by Van Ooststroom (1944: 196
  Sciapus Zeller, 1842
  = Psilopus Meigen, 1824
  = Sciopus Parent, 1925: emend.
  albifrons (Meigen, 1830)
  basilicus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1990 T; added by Meuffels & Grootaert (1990: 170
  contristans (Wiedemann, 1817)
  = vialis (Raddatz, 1873)
  laetus (Meigen, 1838)
  lobipes (Meigen, 1824)
  longulus (Fallén, 1823)
  = lugens (Meigen, 1824)
  maritimus Becker, 1918
  nervosus (Lehmann, 1822)
  pallens (Wiedemann, 1830)
  platypterus (Fabricius, 1805)
  wiedemanni (Fallén, 1823)
  zonatulus (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  = contristans (Wiedemann, 1817): misident. sensu auct.
  = regalis (Meigen, 1824): doubtful senior syn.
  Anepsiomyia Bezzi, 1902
  = Anepsius Loew, 1857: preocc.
  flaviventris (Meigen, 1824)
  = bifasciata (Macquart, 1827): misident. sensu auct.
  Campsicnemus Haliday, 1851
  = Ectomus Mik, 1878
  alpinus (Haliday, 1833)
  = pictipennis (Boheman, 1853)
  armatus (Zetterstedt, 1849)
  = pectinifer De Meijere, 1907
  armoricanus Parent, 1926 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 69
  compeditus Loew, 1857
  curvipes (Fallén, 1823)
  loripes (Haliday, 1832)
  lumbatus (Loew, 1857) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 32
  magius (Loew, 1845) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 69
  marginatus Loew, 1857 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 69
  picticornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 67
  pumilio (Zetterstedt, 1843) Note 11
  = pectinulatus Loew, 1864
  pusillus (Meigen, 1824) N; added by Wind & Pollet (2017: 74
  scambus (Fallén, 1823)
  = lumbatus (Loew, 1857): misident.
  Chrysotimus Loew, 1857
  flaviventris (von Roser, 1840) N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. P.L.Th. Beuk, H.J.G. Meuffels 
  = concinnus (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  molliculus (Fallén, 1823)
  = laetus (Meigen, 1824)
  Lamprochromus Mik, 1878
  bifasciatus (Macquart, 1827)
  = elegans (Meigen, 1830)
  strobli Parent, 1925 N; added by Meuffels (1981b: 70
  Micromorphus Mik, 1878
  albipes (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  Sympycnus Loew, 1857
  aeneicoxa (Meigen, 1824) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  pulicarius (Fallén, 1823) Note 12
  = annulipes (Meigen, 1824)
  = desoutteri Parent, 1925
  Syntormon Loew, 1857
  = Eutarsus Loew, 1857
  = Bathycranium Strobl, 1892 Note 13
  = Drymonoeca Becker, 1907
  bicolorellus (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  denticulatus (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  = pumilus (Meigen, 1824): misident. sensu Parent, 1925
  = punctatus (Zetterstedt, 1843): misident. sensu auct.
  filiger Verrall, 1912 N; added by Meuffels (1978: 68
  fuscipes (von Roser, 1840) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  = spicatus (Loew, 1857)
  metathesis (Loew, 1850) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 68
  monilis (Haliday, 1851) N; added by Meuffels (1978: 68
  pallipes (Fabricius, 1994)
  pseudospicatum Strobl, 1899 N; added by Pollet & Meuffels (2017: 65
  pumilus (Meigen, 1824)
  = rufipes (Meigen, 1824)
  tarsatus (Fallén, 1823)
  zelleri (Loew, 1850) N; as yet unrecorded, material in coll. H.J.G. Meuffels 
  Telmaturgus Mik, 1874
  tumidulus (Raddatz, 1873)
  Teuchophorus Loew, 1857
  = Teucophorus Loew, 1857: incorrect spelling
  calcaratus (Macquart, 1827)
  monacanthus Loew, 1859
  nigricosta (von Roser, 1840) N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  = signatus (Zetterstedt, 1849)
  = signiatus (Zetterstedt, 1849): error in Meuffels (2009)
  simplex Mik, 1880 N; added by Meuffels (1974: 34
  spinigerellus (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857
  galbanus Chandler & Negrobov, 2008 N; added by Beuk (2021b: 20
  ornatus (Haliday, 1832)
  = flavicoxa Wiedemann Meigen, 1824: misident.
  tenellus (Wiedemann, 1817)
  Acropsilus Mik, 1878
  niger (Loew, 1869)
Doubtful species
  Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819    
  apicalis (Zetterstedt, 1843) N; added by Doorman (1962: 190 Note 14
  muralis Meigen, 1824   Note 15
  oscillans Allen, 1976 first listed by Meuffels (2002: 176 Note 16
  pinicola Kowarz, 1877 Note 17
  Thrypticus Gerstäcker, 1864    
  pollinosus Verrall, 1912 first listed by Meuffels (2002))  Note 17
Deleted species
  Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819  
  betulae Ringdahl, 1949   Note 18
  glauca Loew, 1869   Note 18
Note 1 Misidentification pointed out by Pollet & Meuffels (2023: 27).
Note 2 Possibly more than one species is involved. The synonymies are provisional.
Note 3 Misidentification pointed out by Pollet & Meuffels (2023: 27). Meuffels (2002) already noted that material recorded by Kabos (1951a: 121) belonged to other species.
Note 4 Last known collection date 1 August 1918 (leg. J.C.H. de Meijere). Possibly extinct from the Netherlands.
Note 5 This species was transferred from Hercostomus by Brooks & Wheeler (2005).
Note 6 Following workers on the Nearctic fauna, Pollet (2004) considered Gymnopterus to be a valid genus and he transferred all species placed in the former subgenus of Hercostomus to Gymnopterus.
Note 7 Misidentification pointed out by Pollet & Stark (2018).
Note 8 Year of description was erroneously given as 1981 by Meuffels (2002).
Note 9 The former family Microphoridae is now included as subfamily within the family Dolichopodidae following Sinclair & Cumming (2006.
Note 10 This is possibly a synonym of argyria but still more species can be involved.
Note 11 Erroneously still under the name of the junior synonym pectinulatus in Meuffels (2002: 179).
Note 12 See Meuffels (1981a : 54) about the synonymy.
Note 13 Synonym with Syntormon by Speight et al. (1995).
Note 14 The identity of the previously recorded female cannot be confirmed (Pollet & Meuffels, 2023: 27).
Note 15 Old records could not yet be confirmed. The male specimen in RMNH remains to be dissected.
Note 16 None of the males under this name in RMNH that were checked by Pollet & Meuffels (2023: 27) belonged to this species. Females could not be identified.
Note 17 The only known specimen could not betraced and the identity thus not confirmed (Pollet & Meuffels, 2023: 27).
Note 18 First recorded by Meuffels (1974: 34) but re-identification showed that the material did not belong to that species. The true identity could not yet be established.
The latest revisions at different levels
The family introduction was last edited on 20-01-2017 10:24
Bathycranium was the last (sub)genus to be edited on 24-06-2016 15:44
Medetera abstrusa was the last (sub)species to be edited on 28-02-2024 10:27

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